Category Archives: Parenting My Preschooler

Bird Day


Today is Bird Day, according to the silly holidays site I visit.  So today the older boys and I studied our favorite birds.  My favorite is the Hawk, Kailer’s is the McCaw, but our charactor Kaleb’s favorite was a little different – Angry Birds  😀  So I went looking for the real birds that the angry birds are created after, and found THIS amusing site that made Kaleb giggle and giggle 😀

A Home Preschool


As kids have been heading off to school again this fall, I’ve been feeling so blessed to have my Kailer at home with me 🙂  He’s learning quickly, and should be caught up to my expectations for grade 4 by Christmas.  As I’ve been spending time with him, it`s hard not to be really upset with our slack public educational system.  Kailer`s printing is atrocious!  If he writes out a sentence, more often than not, I have to guess what it says – it`s that bad 😦  I asked him what shape a stop sign is, and he said a hexagon 😦  Yikes!
That said, he`s a brilliant boy, and retains knowledge like a super sponge 😀  So teaching him is simpler than most assume it is.  He`s got an amazing mind, and hunger for knowledge.  His favorite subject is science – any kind of science, but primarily chemistry 🙂  He also has a fantastic concept of structure, and can build intricate robots, planes and such with his Lego and Connects 😀

0boys-4Something that hit me like a ton of bricks last night is that my 4 year old Kaleb, will be heading off to Kindergarten next year!  Mike and I opted not to enroll him in preschool this year, because he`s very well socialized, and enjoys learning.  The thing is, after watching Kailer struggle through elementary school, I`ve become a VERY proactive parent.  So on top of homeschooling Kailer, I`ve decided to set up a home preschool time for my Kaleb as well 🙂  Because well, I have nothing else to do.  LOL!!!

Silly Kaleb Moments


My Kaleb is quite a character.  He’s always saying the funniest things.  Here are a few examples:

IMG_5057-1I caught him by the arm as he ran past me, and brought him to face me.Me: “Kaleb, are you poopy?”Kaleb: “No, I’m Kaleb”Me: speechless

Kaleb – “Mommy, that dinosaur is cold.”
Me – “Oh yeah, why’s that?”
Kaleb – “Cause he doesn’t have a jacket on outside.”
Me – almost spit juice all over “Yep, we should wear our jackets outside if it’s cold.”
Kaleb – “Yeah, he’s gonna get ear infection. His Mommy said that.”
Me – lost it. LOL!!!

Kaleb: “Mommy, what’s on your legs?”Me: “shorts”Kaleb: “sorts…shortsh…sortsh…That’s kind of a funny word – shortsh”Me: “LOL!  Yeah, I guess it is :D”

The boy definitely keeps me in stitches 😀



I’ve been toying with the idea of having another baby.  I ran the idea past Mike, and we’re gonna talk about it this evening.  As I’m the only girl in a house full of boys, I’ve decided that especially if we want to add another baby, I’m going to have to simplify things in order to stay organized and make my own life easier.

Today during nap time, Kaleb (my 2 year old) came out of his room and said he had to go potty.  I was feeding Kayden, so I told Kaleb to go ahead, since he can get on the toilet on his own.  When I was done feeding Kayden, I went to the bathroom to help Kaleb  and found poop everywhere!  No biggie, the bathroom is easy to disinfect 🙂  As I was bent over helping Kaleb take his shirt off so he could take a shower, he reached over and began playing with my hair.  I told him to stop, which he did, but not before saying “See, now dares poop on yo head Mommy”.  Breath, I’m washable too.  So after all the poop was washed off, I put a clean diaper on Kaleb and told him to hop into bed, to which he responded “No, it’s yucky on my bed!”  I went in expecting more poop, but to my horror found an opened bottle of paint water(made my my 8year old, opened my my 2 year old)  spilling out onto the bed and soaking through, on to the laminate floor.  Breath, it’s just water-based finger paint.  So, I cleaned the puddle on the floor and washed as much bedding as possible.  I’ll get Mike to use our appolstry cleaner to clean the mattress later on.

Chaos?  check.

So today I’m going through the toys, selling, storing and donating, until a reasonable amount is left in the room.  Breath