Category Archives: Current Projects & Challenges

Pinterest Tuesday: Barefoot Sandles


Good morning, and welcome to Pinterest Tuesday!

11001756_10152616915867120_6580439573259056018_n-2Each week, I’ll be posting a project I did using one of my MANY Pinterest pins.  This week’s project was inspired by a friend’s baby shower gift – barefoot sandles from a local big box store.  They’re adorable, and so simple to make.  These are made with removable flower.  Since I don’t have a sewing machine yet, I hand stitched this set, which is a little more time consuming but also very relaxing.  I began by measuring Kianna’s foot by wrapping the ribbon around her foot arch and ankle in a figure eight.  Then I took the ribbon, reformed the figure eight and stitched the ends together as well as the intersecting section – making sure the arch loop was slightly smaller than the ankle loop.  I made the flowers out of toule, and there’s really no right or wrong way to do this part.  I took a length of toule, folded it half, and then in half again and again until I had a two inch wide rectangle, then I folded it once more so that it became a square.  I cut open all the closed ends so I was left with a pile of square pieces of toule.  Then I cut the pile into a circle, so I was left with a pile of circle toule.  I used one circle as the base.  For my first set, I then proceeded to take one piece of toule at a time, fold it in half and string it at the folded base, pushing it down my thread to the toule base – making sure to rotate each sequencing piece 45 degrees, like steps.  At the top of the flower, I simply crunched a bit of toule and sent the needle down into it back to the base.  I repeated the threading from top to bottom a few times just to make it more secure, and then trimmed as needed to create the “ball” flower look.  To finish the project, I stitched a piece of Velcro to the bottom of the flower and top of the ribbon intersection.  I used Velcro so that I would be able to change the flowers according to Kianna’s outfit.  So I can make many more flowers to wear on the one ribbon.  Once she outgrows the ribbon, I can gift that one with a set of flowers to someone, and simple make a bigger figure eight ribbon for Kianna – still being able to use all of the remaining flowers.  This will save a lot of time and money, while making others happy to receive a gift 🙂

Housewarming Party On A Budget


I realize that it’s a bit early to be planning a housewarming party, as we haven’t actually even moved into our new house, but we’re so excited (as are our friends and family) that I wanted to take some time to celebrate with those who have been with us on this house-hunting adventure.  As you know, I try to do everything as well and cost effective as I can, and this party is no exception.

  • Digital invitation = FREE
  • Food: 2 ingredient cake, punch and coffee = $3-$5
  • Party games = FREE

The entire event will cost about $5, and be a blast!  Really looking forward to taking a little break from the decluttering, packing, cleaning, unpacking and organizing that moving entails to spend time with family and friends.

Organizing My 2015 Pinterest Projects


I LOVE Pinterest, but as a lot of moms, I haven’t taken the time to complete any of projects I have on my Pin Boards.  Actually, scratch that – I made homemade Mod Podge 2 days ago, but still haven’t tried it 🙂  Anywho, I’ve decided to do a Project 365… Pinterest style! 😀  Each Tuesday, I’ll post the previous 7 days’ projects with pictures 😀  I’m so very excited about this coming year – I have so very many things I want to accomplish in 2014, and I can hardly wait to start 😀  I have exactly 2 weeks to prep for this upcoming Pinterest marathon, so here goes phase one!

  1. create a Cued Pin Projects board on Pinterest
  2. pin 31 items to my Cued Pin Project board for January
  3. designate a pinned item to each day of the month
  4. make a list of materials needed for each cued project
  5. create a Completed Pin Projects board on Pinterest
  6. take pictures of finished “pin projects”
  7. write a blog post with the photos

There’s the Pinterest plan.  Whatcha think? 🙂

Feel free to check out my upcoming projects at:

2014 In 2014 : Update


I’m feeling under the weather today, so I’m keeping my afternoon as simple as I can.  The boys walked to the park at the end of the street, to give me some time alone.  I’m using my free time to declutter and clean up a bit.  My goal is to work on my 2014 In 2014 list.  I’d like to get to 300 items today, which is totally doable.  From there, I’m going to try to go up by increments of 50 🙂  So, I’m hoping to notice a big change in my clutter situation shortly 😀

Pinterest Tuesday: Father’s Day Reveal


I promised you I’d reveal our last week’s secret Father’s Day pins, and here they are! 😀

Fathers Day CollageKailer made a “Dad’s Stache” treat bag for Mike.  We went to Dollarama and picked up a pack of small treat bag, gift tags, and some Reeces chocolates.  Kailer colored and cut out a mustache from construction paper, and wrote “Dad’s Stache” on the label.  Mike loves peanut butter, so this was perfect!

Kaleb and I made a “You’re The Best Dad, HANDS DOWN” card.  I traced his hands and wrote a sweet message to Mike from Kaleb.  Then Kaleb colored the heart on the card cover.

To make the “I Love You This Much” card, I traced Kayden’s hand on a piece of construction paper that I had folded in half.  When I cut it out, I had two hand prints.  Then I took a strip of paper, wrote T H I S M U C H on it, folded it between each letter, and clued it to the inside of each hand print cut out.  Woilà, a cute card!!! 😀

We also made a DAD Photo literally in moments 🙂  I cut a letter D and a letter A out of a sheet of paper.  Then I took pictures of the boys with a letter, so that when I put the best pictures into frames and set them up, it spells DAD according to the boys’ ages 🙂  Mike really loved all the gifts.  Here are the links to the projects I found online:


Pinterest Tuesday: Father’s Day Gift…


So, I decided today that since I just can’t seem to take on enough projects at once 😉 I’d like to bring back Pinterest Tuesday!  For those of you who are new to this category, each Tuesday I will take a pin from one of my pin boards on Pinterest and complete it.  It’s only a once a week commitment, so I should be able to stick to it 🙂

I missed this past Tuesday’s pin, but obviously it’ll be a Father’s Day project.  Since my husband reads my blog now and then, I won’t post the reveal till either this weekend or next Tuesday, but it’ll be neat 😀

Looking forward to meeting you back here next Tuesday!!!

Kayden’s 2nd Birthday Party


Wow, it’s hard to believe that my baby boy is turning two, in 2 1/2 short months!  That means it’s party plannin’ time! 😀

Party #1 – March 29:

  • guest list – family
  • invitations – digi invites
  • cake – Elmo shaped cake
  • food – pizza,
  • sweet treats: red Elmo face cake pops, edible crayons
  • drink – blue juice in rose bowl w/straw
  • goodies bags – crayons, goldfish, banana marshmellos
  • gift ideas – Elmo bedding,

Party #2 – March 30:

  • guest list: V, M&M, J&I
  • invitations: megnetic, brought to you by 2 & K
  • cake – Elmo shaped cake
  • food – mini pizzas, PB&J banana dogs
  • sweet treats – Elmo face cupcakes, blue jell-o fish bowl with fruit salad for gravel, and single candy fish
  • drink – red “Elmo” punch w/red boa around bowl
  • games – “pin”/velcro the nose on Elmo,
  • decorations:
  • goodie bags
  • gift ideas: anything Elmo and/or crafty

This is gonna be SAWEET!!!