Monthly Archives: December 2014

Organizing My 2015 Pinterest Projects


I LOVE Pinterest, but as a lot of moms, I haven’t taken the time to complete any of projects I have on my Pin Boards.  Actually, scratch that – I made homemade Mod Podge 2 days ago, but still haven’t tried it 🙂  Anywho, I’ve decided to do a Project 365… Pinterest style! 😀  Each Tuesday, I’ll post the previous 7 days’ projects with pictures 😀  I’m so very excited about this coming year – I have so very many things I want to accomplish in 2014, and I can hardly wait to start 😀  I have exactly 2 weeks to prep for this upcoming Pinterest marathon, so here goes phase one!

  1. create a Cued Pin Projects board on Pinterest
  2. pin 31 items to my Cued Pin Project board for January
  3. designate a pinned item to each day of the month
  4. make a list of materials needed for each cued project
  5. create a Completed Pin Projects board on Pinterest
  6. take pictures of finished “pin projects”
  7. write a blog post with the photos

There’s the Pinterest plan.  Whatcha think? 🙂

Feel free to check out my upcoming projects at: