Monthly Archives: June 2014

Pinterest Tuesday: Father’s Day Reveal


I promised you I’d reveal our last week’s secret Father’s Day pins, and here they are! 😀

Fathers Day CollageKailer made a “Dad’s Stache” treat bag for Mike.  We went to Dollarama and picked up a pack of small treat bag, gift tags, and some Reeces chocolates.  Kailer colored and cut out a mustache from construction paper, and wrote “Dad’s Stache” on the label.  Mike loves peanut butter, so this was perfect!

Kaleb and I made a “You’re The Best Dad, HANDS DOWN” card.  I traced his hands and wrote a sweet message to Mike from Kaleb.  Then Kaleb colored the heart on the card cover.

To make the “I Love You This Much” card, I traced Kayden’s hand on a piece of construction paper that I had folded in half.  When I cut it out, I had two hand prints.  Then I took a strip of paper, wrote T H I S M U C H on it, folded it between each letter, and clued it to the inside of each hand print cut out.  Woilà, a cute card!!! 😀

We also made a DAD Photo literally in moments 🙂  I cut a letter D and a letter A out of a sheet of paper.  Then I took pictures of the boys with a letter, so that when I put the best pictures into frames and set them up, it spells DAD according to the boys’ ages 🙂  Mike really loved all the gifts.  Here are the links to the projects I found online:


Family Summer Events Calendar


With summer on our doorstep, I’m spending the morning planning our family summer events calendar.  I enjoy busy weekends with my boys, because my week days are pretty much the same day after day 🙂  Manitoba hosts many amazing fairs and festivals that we enjoy participating in.  As fun as these events are, they’re also great opportunities to teach the kids about history other cultures, and to try new things.  Besides fairs and festivals, there are just so many things to do for families.  For example, here are some picture from our more recent adventures 🙂

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Pinterest Tuesday: Father’s Day Gift…


So, I decided today that since I just can’t seem to take on enough projects at once 😉 I’d like to bring back Pinterest Tuesday!  For those of you who are new to this category, each Tuesday I will take a pin from one of my pin boards on Pinterest and complete it.  It’s only a once a week commitment, so I should be able to stick to it 🙂

I missed this past Tuesday’s pin, but obviously it’ll be a Father’s Day project.  Since my husband reads my blog now and then, I won’t post the reveal till either this weekend or next Tuesday, but it’ll be neat 😀

Looking forward to meeting you back here next Tuesday!!!

Casserole & Cake Bites


IMG_6888Today I took a break from the daily grind of decluttering, and taught my Kailer how to make a casserole.  He loves cooking, but wants to make more from-scratch meals, rather than from-the-box ones, which is just fine with me, as the home made meals are healthier for us.  We began with a super simple 3 ingredient recipe – ground beef, spaghetti, and a can of tomato soup.  We sprinkle parmesan cheese on top just before serving.  It’s not extravigant, but it’s pretty good.

Later on, we’re planning to make some DIY cake bites, which are similar to cake pops without the stick 😀 157f1b71767438be04d298865124e9cc