Monthly Archives: January 2013

The Homeschooling Verdict


Mike and I just came home from our date, and the verdict is in…Kailer will be homeschooled next year!!! 😀  I feel like I should be aprehensive and such, but I’m not at all.  I’m excited and eager to get planning.
I’ve chosen to do the Child-Centered curriculum.  That way I can mold it to Kailer’s personality and learning style.  I have an overview written up already!

Annual Word – 2013


As most of you know, for the past few years I ask God for a word in January.  This word is His message to me preparing my heart for the year ahead.  This is a huge honor that I don’t take lightly.  I did however forget to post about it.  My bad  🙂  So, my word for this year is TRANSFORMATION.

This is really exciting for me, because it’s something I need.  For years I’ve felt like I’m at point A, trying to get to point C, but there’s no point B.  It’s a really hopeless feeling, so for our God to be addressing this is huge for me, because I know I can’t do it on my own.

Sent Home…Again


So…my Kailer was just sent home from school.  They were having a terrible time with him there.  He kicked the resource teacher and swore at her, and he refused to do any amount of work.  They said it was absolutely pointless for him to stay at school, so home he came.

He’s sitting at the dining room table right now quietly doing the division math work he didn’t do in school.  Seriously?!  Apparently he’s like Jekyll and Hyde.  The odd thing is that Kailer wouldn’t dare act at home the way he does at school, because we have immediate consequences, and we aren’t polite about our warnings either.  So even our verbal reprimands and warnings are seen as consequences.  This is just one more situation that solidifies my decision to homeschool him.

Mike and I will be sitting down this evening to have an in-depth conversation about this.



I am a woman of faith, passion and mercy.  More often than not, these are seen as positive attributes, because my one real weakness is that I’m non-confrontational.  I’m a people-pleaser, and too often, that’s caused me to bend to the will or emotion of others rather than staying true to my convictions.  Three things I refuse to budge on though are my faith, my marriage and my children.

Jan 7 2012-KaiYesterday I received a long email from Kailer’s teacher about his day.  The day was really rough and full of bad language, disrespect and general conflict on Kailer’s part.  At home, Kailer can be hyper and exhausting, but doesn’t act at home the way he does at school.  This tells me that there’s something about the school day structure that Kailer’s unable to cope with, due to him having ADHD.  He’s been suspended so many times since kindergarten, and now due to this no-fail policy they’ve implemented in our schools, there’s really no consequence to not doing the work.  Kailer’s such an amazing kid with so much compassion and potential, but it’s being snuffed out, because he’s having to try to mold to what the public school system expects him to be, and at the end of each day, he’s failed.  It’s really tough on him, and he’s only in the fourth grade.

Grade five marks the beginning of the middle school years, and it’s something that I’m secretly dreading for Kailer.  So I’ve decided to be pro-active, and homeschool Kailer.  Yep, that’s right.  This is my child, and I feel an urgency about being key in the process of teaching him what kind of man he should be.  The one person standing in my way right now is my Mike.  He doesn’t really see the problems with our school system, and thinks the issue is just Kailer’s behavior.  If Kailer would behave, everything would be fine.  In theory, that sounds simple enough, but in reality, ADHD can be a pretty debilitating disorder if it’s not taken seriously.  Expecting Kailer to learn and react like every other child is illogical.  I know my son, and I do feel homeschooling – although tricky and potentially exhausting, is the best rout for Kailer.  Mike and I will continue to discuss this matter, but it’s a big deal, so opinions are more than welcomed  🙂